Lowongan Sekretaris January 2011 : PT. Danareksa (Persero)

A golden opportunity to join the best investment house in Indonesia with more than 33 years of solid experience and wholly owned by the Government of Republic of Indonesia. Danareksa is a full-service investment firm that provides a great range of services, from large scale institutional investment to broad retail investment, with 29 branches and growing, across the archipelago.
To support our sustainable supremacy in the region, we challenge highly enthusiastic, ambitious and achievement oriented candidates to vie to become part of our rigorous and challenging position:

Secretary (Jakarta Raya)

1.     Minimum D3 any discipline, preferably in secretarial field.
2.     Female, maximum 30 years old.
3.     Having minimum 1 year experience as secretary/personal assistant
4.     Have good interpersonal ability and able to communicate effectively and efficiently   both in and outside the company.
5.     Good personality.
6.     English and Computers.
7.     Willing to work.
Submit application with CV
 and a recent photo before  20th January 2010. Write the job code (Secretary) on the subject email to:recruitment@danareksa.com
Human Resources Division
PT. Danareksa (Persero)
Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 14
Jakarta 10110
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