In Holland, higher education get a subsidy, this means tuition feescould be reduced quite low, especially when compared with Britainand the United States.
Exchange ProgramThe easiest and cheapest way to be able to continue his studies inthe Netherlands is through exchange programs. Many Dutch highereducation institutions that have joint exchange programs with itspartner institutions in other countries around the world. Exchange programs and agreements are often directed to one area or aparticular discipline. Check with the university about the possibilities that are available.
Grantfinder website provides detailed information aboutthe scholarship program is available to prospective students who wish to pursue studies in the Netherlands.
The head office of Nuffic Neso Indonesia, Nuffic manages severalscholarship programs. For further information please see
Scholarship Programme :
1. Netherlands Fellowship Programme
2. Huygens Scholarship Programme
3. Studeren in Nederland
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